Terms and Conditions of Doodle Puppy Breeder in Twin Falls Idaho
Welcome to Doodle Puppy Breeder! We are thrilled to provide you with our terms and conditions. By using our website, you agree to comply with our policies. We strive to provide you with the best possible experience and ensure health and happiness of our puppies. Please read our terms conditions carefully before making a purchase. If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to contact us.
Health is Priority of Doodle Puppy Breeder

Here at doodles4love health of our puppies and our mamas is of most importance. As a doodle puppy breeder our focus is on breeding only healthy mamas. Our doodle puppy breeder process is to test each mom before breeding to insure that she is healthy and then she will be added as a doodle puppy breeder mama dog. Many of our mamas have fit into our doodle puppy breeder program via history of health in their blood line. We have worked hard on our doodle puppy breeder program and want only to pass on to you a healthy happy puppy.
DOODLES4LOVE Doodle Puppy Breeder
You have 2 days after puppy arrival to report a health condition that does not match the health condition puppy was sent to you with. It is only with a verified Veterinary report that we will offer a health specific refund. (Excluding De-hydration, Parvo and Parasites)
FYI: It might be worth bringing in a stool sample at pup ck up as more and more dogs/puppies are testing up for Guardia and a stool sample is the fastest way to see if pup has it and to treat it. It is easily treated with an antibiotic if they are found to be a carrier. Our mamas have tested negative as carriers but pups sometimes test positive . Symptoms are diarrhea for an extended period of time.
Travel and homing does cause stress to young puppies. It is essential to keep puppies hydrated during this transition. Have your Vet ck if pup needs re-hydrated or recommendations for keeping pup hydrated during settling in period. It might be necessary to add milk or cottage cheese to food to keep them eating and drinking.
Doodle puppy breeder is not liable for the health of your puppy or any bills incurred to maintain the health of your puppy after the puppy leaves the BREEDERS home and is picked up by the BUYER. In the unlikely event that we failed to remove a dewclaw it is the option of buyer to have it removed at time of spay/neuter at owners expense. Dewclaws do not effect the health of the puppy. It is recommended by this Doodle puppy breeder that the puppy not be taken out in public until the puppy has had its full series of protective vaccinations. It is advised to talk this over with your vet.
This guarantee will cover only loss of life that is caused by a fatally genetic factor for up to 2 year of the puppy’s life. This doesn’t cover things that happen to your puppy in your home that cause injury or death, illness, or such things that are inherited genetically or things that are NOT fatal - such as, but not limited to, hypoglycemia, Guardia, hernia, hip dysplasia, luxating patella, open fontanel, Coccidiosis, BSD, communicable diseases (such as Parvo), Thyroid conditions, heart murmur, epilepsy, personality disorders, temperament or other such things.
Doodle puppy breeder Recommends that you DO NOT put puppy down on unfamiliar ground or around other dogs until 3rd set of shots to minimize chances of infection.
Doodle puppy breeder have tried to estimate the size and temperament of your puppy to the best of our ability. WE the Doodle puppy breeder assume you know if the animals in your home will adjust to a new arrival and that you have educated yourself on best ways of introducing everyone. WE theDoodle puppy breeder do not guarantee the size or coat of puppy. It is our hope that you will love your puppy even if they are bigger or smaller than we estimated.
In the event you change your mind about the puppy once they have arrived to your home our policy is as follows: There are no refunds. We are happy to help you re-home your puppy in so far as we will alert potential buyers.. Be advised for us to re-home them we may have to reduce their price and the amount refunded to you minus travel expenses and deposit. Travel and deposit are nonrefundable. Please be Sure about a puppy to avoid this from occurring.
Spay/Neuter Agreement: This puppy is being sold as a companion pet only, not for breeding. Buyer is obligated to spay/neuter the dog by the age of 6months to 1yr.
Please consult your vet for advise on what is best for your dog.
The Doodle puppy breeder has given all appropriate shots/worming for the puppy's age, and a record of this vaccination/worming history will be supplied upon pick up/delivery of the puppy. All puppies have worms, don’t panic just treat it.
The Doodle puppy breeder is not liable for illnesses caused by not keeping puppy vaccinations current or from improper kennel training. The Doodle puppy breeder has started puppy on potty and kennel training and you will need to continue. Refer to age appropriate length of time a puppy can hold its bladder. A puppy is not condsidered fully potty trained until 2yrs old.
The BUYER agrees to maintain the puppy's health in good condition, and provide quality grain-free food, clean water, clean living conditions, vaccinations, worming, and veterinary care to assure good health. The BUYER agrees not to abuse or neglect this puppy in any way.
The Doodle puppy breeder has done everything possible to produce healthy , sound, social, and happy puppies by breeding only sound, healthy, socialized, friendly adults; and by raising the puppies in the best way possible in regards to diet, exercise, clean housing, vaccination/worming schedules, socializing and veterinary care.
There are many factors that can influence growth and development of the puppy, such as diet, exercise, environment, attention, training and handling, housing, etc. THE BUYER assumes the responsibility to carry on with the appropriate vaccinations, exercise and feeding schedule, and training as recommended by THE Doodle puppy breeder.
THE BUYER understands that the puppy will need plenty of attention. THE Doodle puppy breeder recommends planning at least an hour of time to be spent with the puppy each day. Along with adequate attention, the puppy will need training and socializing. A puppy that is not behaving well needs longer play time mixed with mental stimulation. Puppies have sharp teeth and play in what can seem to be rough. This behavior is not to be confused with aggressive behavior. Puppies bite and scratch as they jump up to greet you. This is normal as they have played with their litter mates in this manner.
THE BUYER is fully responsible for ensuring the puppy is safe for children, other dogs and pets, and the general public to be introduced to. THE Doodle puppy breeder has began this process, but it is a life-long pursuit that the buyer is responsible for.
The Doodle puppy breeder can offer no further guarantees once the care of the puppy is no longer under their control.